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Juliette Zavarce

Creative Producer

Juliette’s background is in business and event management. She has a successful career in the business and marketing arena for the past 15 years. She successfully ran her own event management business namely JFEM from 2006 – 2008. She formed AJZ Productions in collaboration with Alirio Zavarce in 2012 and acts as Producer and Company Manager.

Since AJZ Productions inception Juliette has successfully developed partnerships with arts and non-arts organisations and has grown True North Youth Theatre Ensemble to 3 groups with over 60 participants in 2 years.

In the 2014 Adelaide Fringe Festival Juliette produced Live From 9 at the Channel 9 studios where 16 acts were presented over 5 weeks. In addition she produced A Sense of Home, The Chapel of Love and Humphrey Honey and Imagination and Race Around the Block.

In 2015 Juliette produced Live from 9 for the second and highly successful year. She produced A Kid Like Me as part of The Come Out Festival for Children, Imagination as part of the Anglicare Scholarship program, Bureau of Complaints performed at the Fringe Festival and the Windmill season of The Book of Loco.

In 2016 Juliette produced the newly created Fringe Hub Live from Ch 9 Tandanya and also an international tour of A Kid Like Me, Imagination and the work in progress viewing of The Tower of Babel.
In 2017 Juliette again produced a highly successful program for Live from Ch9 Tandanya, True North Youth Theatre Ensembles E Bully presented as part of the Dream Big Festival for children, Superheros and What Makes ME Me.

In 2018 and 2019 Juliette produced the biggest program to date in the Live from Ch 9 Tandanya Fringe hub and a highly acclaimed production of Through our Eyes by True North Youth Theatre Ensemble.

In 2019 Juliette produced Drop Out that was presented as part of the Dream Big Festival for Children and produced critical acclaim. This show was the first time all of our ensembles performed together on the same stage and was nominated for a Ruby award.

In 2020 in collaboration with Alirio Zavarce and Kelly Vincent launched the disability led organisation – True Ability.

More Team Members

Alirio Zavarce
Alirio Zavarce
Artistic Director

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